Forumtheater (2020 - 2022)

PT| Queremos criar uma sala onde nos podemos encontrar uns aos outros descobrir o que é que podemos fazer com o teatro a distancia. É sobre a ligação enter seres humanos de nacionalidade differente. O que é que os humanos precisam para sentir apreciados? Qual mascara temos, que historias estão por detrás? Nos queremos acabar com as fronteiras do Teatro.

A partir de Junho de 2020, serão fundados e estruturados dois novos grupos internacionais de teatro em Greifswald e Wolgast. A nossa oferta dirige-se não só a pessoas com experiências de migração, mas também a todas as outras! O objectivo é montar, com ambos os grupos, até ao final do ano, uma peça de Teatro-Fórum. O que isto significa revelar-se-á num dos elencos a formar. Reunimos desde já algumas informações no final desta página. Toda e qualquer pessoa que estiver interessada pode inscrever-se!

O que é o Teatro-Fórum? É a principal metodologia usada no Teatro dos Oprimidos, que Augusto Boal (Rio de Janeiro) criou nos anos cinquenta e nos anos sessenta. Mais tarde, esta metodologia tornou-se conhecida e foi também utilizada na Alemanha. Contacto aqui

EN| Theatre in times of distance? - Yes!

Especially now we are looking for ways enabling us to come together, testing what is possible in theatre while keeping the distance. With our forumtheatre project we want to give space for people to take up current topics in a sphere of openness. Important for us is the connection of people of different nationalities.

What do human beings need to feel accepted? How much of a human being is visible? What kind of stories? What kind of masks are we wearing? What is hidden behind the mask? We want to explore the borders in our lives jointly and with the help of theatrical methods.

In June 2020 two new theatre groups will start in Greifswald and Wolgast. We are looking for people from any country, age or background to take part. The aim is to develop a Forum Theatre scene with each group till the end of the year.

If you are interested to find out what that means – please join us. At the end of this page you will find some information about this special kind of theatre. Everybody is invited to take part! Experience in theatre is not necessary. If you are interested to take part click here and send us an E-Mail. Or you can call us.

FR| Faire du théâtre même en période de distance physique? OUI!

C'est précisément maintenant que nous voulons permettre la rencontre personnelle et essayer ce qui est possible au théâtre avec la distance physique nécessaire. Le projet du théâtre-forum offre aux gens un espace où ils peuvent, de manière ouverte, aborder des thèmes d'actualité. Ce que nous aimerions établir c'est un lien de confiance et de respect entre les représentants des nations différentes.

Qu'est-ce qu'il faut pour se sentir accueilli et accepté? Qu'est-ce que nous voyons en regardant une personne? Quelles histoires? Quels masques est-ce que nous portons? Qu'est-ce qui se cache sous le masque? Qui?

Où sont nos limites? Nos frontières? Nous voulons les découvrir à l'aide des moyens du théâtre – nous, tous ensemble.


Qu'est ce que le théâtre-forum?

Le théâtre-forum est une sorte de théâtre que Augusto Boal a créé et développé au Brésil, dans les années 1950 et 1960. Il s'agit d'un instrument artistique et politique qui offre aux groupes ainsi qu'aux individus marginalisés une possibilité de s'émanciper.


Comment cela se passe?

Au théâtre-forum, on crée des scènes modèles et le présente au public. Les acteurs montrent des scènes dans lesquelles il s'agit p. ex. des situations d'injustice ou des personnes fragiles, discriminées ou défavorisées. Donc, la scène montre un problème actuel. Pendant la représentation au théâtre-forum, les spectateurs peuvent se rendre dans la scène en cours de réalisation et remplacer les acteurs. Les spectateurs quittent donc leur rôle passif, montent sur la scène en offrant et essayant une proposition pour modifier la situation! Cela contribue à la compréhension de la situation des personnages/des personnes concernées. Et moi? Que ferais-je, personnellement, dans la scène jouée? Face à l'injustice ou l'oppression – quelles sont mes idées concrètes sur la manière d'agir? Comment pouvons-nous, par nos idées et nos actions, changer certaines situations? Comment, le passage de l'intention vers l'action se réalise-t-il?



La participation n'est soumise à aucune condition ou formation!  

in Greifswald always on Friday 16 -18h (Bugenhagenstraße 1 - 3)
TEL.: 0157/ 30 97 40 14   or send an E-Mail

Beate Reuter – leading the group in Wolgast

To enter the world of theatre and to act was a great discovery for me. Later I started with Forum Theatre and for me it is so powerful, because it is a part of reality and you can change reality with different methods and ways of theatre. That brings great experience, often also with a lot of fun and it activates and empowers people. Also I like that you can do it with everybody, no one needs practical knowledge. That is what I like most – theatre as art that can be life changing!

„Why we play theatre? Cause we want to be happy!“ Augusto Boal, developed Forum theatre

Elisa Ottersberg – leading the group in Greifswald

Theatre is my great passion! To find myself in acting, feel how inner, mostly hidden worlds, are opening is fascinating for me. As an actress I sometimes missed the contact to the audience. In Forum Theatre the audience becomes a part of the activities. The border between active on stage and passiv in the audience vanishes during the Forum Theatre performance.
I am looking forward to this exciting process of guiding people to their stories and topics and bringing this personal stories on stage.

What is Forum Theatre?
Forum Theatre is one central method of the Theatre of the Oppressed (TO), developed by Augusto Boal, a brazilian theatre practioner. He started in Brazil in the 1960s, later he elaborated Theatre of the Oppressed in Europe and now this methods are practiced in in a lot of countries all over the world. Theatre of the Oppressed is as theatre a part of art and also it promotes social and political change. Especially social marginalized groups start to emancipate.

How can it happen?
The actors of Forum Theatre create a scene out of their own experience and perform it. This scene brings up questions about important topics. The scene will be repeated and everybody in the audience has the possibility to stop the scene and have an input into the dramatic action. The spectators can express their ideas or take over the part of an actor. The scene continues with this new impulse. Different ways to change situation are tried out together. The spectators (now spect-actors) can leave their passive position. All this happens in a save frame moderated by the Joker. Everybody in the room is part of the Forum with the chance to change a situation of oppression or unhappiness. Which options do I have? How can we bring our
ideas to real action? Lets find it out together trough acting!

Helpfull links/ Voici un choix de liens
We are always looking for explanatory videos or examples. Here a small selection of links: